Wednesday, October 16, 2019

the bad boys 1

The bad boys haven't gone to jail
They are still talking and planning plots
Bringing their zombie followers
The work of building chaos

The layers they have built
The years they had the chances
They were the lords at one time
Now they still feel they have the clout

The bad boys will spin their tales
They know how to make it work
It is always with monies and goods
They had it so good once upon a time

Though they haven't declared defeat
They will try to make a race feeling blue
Of their own insecurity and fear
Telling the case of losing dignity

The zombie members can't see
The wrong floating in their heads
What they see are the dollar signs
They don't see the wrong done

The bad boys aren't chained
They still talk big and claim innocence
The karma hasn't completed the circle
The circle of bad will be destroyed for good

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