Sunday, April 05, 2020

stay indoors people

C19 isn't sleeping
It will go out to catch victims
As long as the people don't change habits
C19 will sing its deadly tune

Once I catch you
You live in life or death
There is no vaccine against me
I can fly at will”

The people should stay at homes
Don't go out simply to socialize
This isn't the time to party or drinking
This is the time to fight against C19

The smokers should quit smoking
Find ways to increase your immune system
Smoking has cause damage to the lungs
C19 can easily infected it without trying

Now there is no way C19 going down
The MCO may likely be extended to end of April
We have to live for the long haul of staying indoors
Curfew must be enforced from 8.00 pm to 8.00 am

We can win over C19
As long as we practice and follow advice
Stay at indoors and follow basic hygiene
C19 will die without hosts

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