Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Anwar will have his game


The lyrics written

The musical chords need to arrange

It will take some time to hear the melody

Now we have to relax drink our coffees or teas

There is no hurry

Let the musicians arrange or rearrange it

It is something they are trained to do

It is something they aren't going to forget

In the corridor of power

Moo under quarantine will try

Buying out his way to stay on stage

He wants to be the lead singer

But he has no chance to practise

The musical sheet is still in progress

Every day Moo will feel the pressure

Will he sing in the band?

Anwar has his band

Underground he conducts his score

He had shown his lyrics

Now to put back the chords

Now we will wait

The musical score will be heard

Though the opponents will scream

Anwar will have his game

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