Tuesday, October 27, 2020

the loss of face


He plays high stake poker

Use up all his points to get high

Once he loads all on the table

He thinks he will win

He smiles when he opens his cards

He thinks he can win easily with his 3 Aces

The opponents have no better cards

Maybe the straight cards to win

When he leans over

Thinking he has won his game

The cool guy stops him straight

You better see my cards”

He turns to look

No way!”

Why not friend?

You think it will not happen?”

The guy Moo feels ashamed

He has lost his cards game

He gambles on his winning

He realizes he hasn't thought it through

So he has to leave the table

Feeling blue with his own failure

In the dim night under the street lights

He moos so sad knowing he has lost

Nobody will feel so sad for him

He plays a high stake poker

It finally crumbles down on him

He doesn't know the art of it

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