Tuesday, October 20, 2020

the pretty maids sitting in glow


The pretty maids sitting in glow

Sorry no Rock Hudson to crow

Else these women will fall

Like the ten pins bowling

The art of chasing women

Do not let them think you are

You have to let them think for you

You just have to do your magnetic words

Once you forget about it

Telling the women what's in your mind

You will blow your chances with the women

They will forget or ignore you for good

You have to play the game

Without any liking or preferences

Talk to every woman in the group

Ignore them and hold your own

Do not surrender your control

It will spoil your own reputation as a Man

You will become weak in the women's minds

You will go home watch porn and get no satisfaction

The pretty maids sitting in glow

Sorry no Rock Hudson to crow

The men have their chances

Don't be in a hurry take it slow

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