Monday, October 26, 2020

rocking rona sings right up the chart


Rocking Rona sings right up the chart

The back door leaders can't catch up

They played on the emergency law

It fell through on the wrong approach

It was meant to prop up its weaknesses

To stay on the power and ride it high

But its plan was seen through its faults

The back door leaders cuddled for support

The total lock down should be imposed

Instead it is the CMCO phrase

In Sabah, Selangor, KL and Putrajaya

By it Covid 19 still can find hosts

Instead the back door leaders can't see

They are up plotting on their next move

Leaving the gap for Rocking Rona to sing

Come out and play with me!”

Every one must play the role

It is for our survival in the long term

Yet we see politicians forget SOP

They have gathering and meeting

The total lock down should be imposed

It will help the people and nation

Stopping Rocking Rona is a collective effort

No double standards in imposing punishment!

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