Thursday, October 15, 2020

rocking Rona rings the bell


Rocking Rona rings the bell

The echo spreads of its bites

It isn't going to stay down

When there are many souls to catch

The economy shouldn't be the cause

It has to slow down to get Rona down

When lives are at stake economy can't wait

Losing lives it isn't a game

The interstate borders

It needs to seriously close

Let nobody can easily drive through

When Rocking Rona is still in the air

The business enterprises

The approval letters must be obtained

Crossing borders during Rona reigns

It is to stop the virus from spreading

The back door leaders have failed

The political clusters causing by them

From Sabah it was brought back here

Causing another round of clusters boom

Rocking Rona isn't staying away

It has found many hosts who forgot to observe SOP

As a result we have Rocking Rona biting us

Leaving us to face our health nightmare

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