Thursday, December 31, 2020

a contract is a binding agreement


A contract is a binding agreement

The parties sign in to pay damages of any breach

Even in political parties the members who sign in

They are bound by the contractual terms of contract

This contract is signed before the General Election

Once a party who wins the election and defects

The guilty party must honour the contract

It doesn't say you can't quit and join another party

It only says a party has broken its agreement

So the affected party can demand compensation

As the contract is signed with that intention

When there is a breach of contract the agreed sum must be paid

Trying to deflect the issue under the Constitution

It shows the guilty party of the breach doesn't know

The law of contract on the terms in the agreement

A party is allowed to defect but has to pay compensation

A contract is signed

Both parties know the reasons and consequences

Yet one party tries to faint ignorance of the contract

It is signed before the General Election and is binding

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