Thursday, December 24, 2020

women are softie but hardened souls


Women aren't easy to understand

This is a beauty in the men's minds

They will let the men on their toes

The men shouldn't take it for granted

Men by nature will be the physical ones

They want to stay in the forefront and be known

They don't want to play the second best

They will say they are the sissy guys

Men by right should let it go

Let the women enjoy their roles

They can relax and watch movies

Give the thumb up to the women

The men don't need to criticize women

They should know how hard to cook meals

Even the dishes may turn out bad

They should pay compliments learning to cook

Keeping households in proper order

Keeping the children well behaved

Juggling with work and wives or girlfriends

The men should stop and learn how the women balance it

Women are softie but hardened souls

Once they are put to hold the fort together

They will carry on their tasks without regrets

They don't need criticisms but hugs will do

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