Sunday, December 27, 2020

the alliance of hope leaders


The Alliance of Hope leaders

Seriously they should map out

The next course of action for next year

They should speak in one voice

The year 2020

Goes to Moo

He can laugh quietly

By his back door ways

The Old Man allowed it to happen

Because he wanted his way

But he was back stabbed by his own leaders

Leaving him alone without a party to hang on

The Alliance of Hope leaders

Gather the troops for next year

Forget the bad ways of 2020

Focus on one strategic pathway

Moo isn't stable

He still worries about his numbers

It can change at any time

So there is his weakness

He can't plant his root

Because he knows he can't

He is a puppet on the string

Dancing his tune to the puppet master

The Alliance of Hope leaders

Let Anwar battle it out

Though 2020 he lost a few chances

His tactical moves showed his weakness

The back door leaders

Facing their own problems too

The demands and constantly watching

How long will they last?

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