Wednesday, March 03, 2021

parliament must open its doors


What are the back door doing?

His Majesty says Parliament can reconvene

Even though it is under His Majesty Emergency

So the back door minister goes against the King wishes?

When it is to its benefits it is okay

When it isn't to its liking it can't

Is the minister going against the King's order?

Parliament should reconvene quickly

Moo shouldn't drag its feet

It is our King wishes to see Parliament reconvene

He better gets it done as quickly as he can

It isn't a carte blanche to do as he pleases

Because he has to answer to Parliament

Even he has to answer to the PAC committee

On all the monies spend or given out

The sooner he starts his move the better for him

If he is worried about his position

It is already spoken out in the open

The wolves will not cooperate with the back door

The members want to pull out immediately

It is only the leader of the wolves

He is still standing between lines to decide

He wants to stay free but members want it done now

Either way the back door is cooked

Parliament must reconvene quickly

It is better for Moo to get his act into gear

The longer he delays the worst is for him

Because his position isn't secured in mandate

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