The HSR project
The nation paid $320 million
When the project was terminated
Singapore smiling to the bank
Now the turtle brain
He is trying to find his name
Too many advisors
The bloated Cabinet
He wants to start the project again
There is always the back door deal
The perception is always on the move
Only the watch dog stays silence
The nation shouldn't continue it
It doesn't bring much economic benefits
It is only to service cronies companies
The current train services making losses
Can the nation make monies?
Can the domestic air travel survive?
Covid19 is still burning in our minds
It isn't the way to make a name
If it isn't in the budget
He shouldn't be talking about it
The cash flow isn't in good footing
The turtle brain shouldn't even try
The HSR should be put away
The nation has to concentrate on her people
The Covid19 has caused us hardship
The turtle brain shouldn't think to make a name