Thursday, November 18, 2021

who's going to take the blame?


The super spreaders

The headaches and heartaches

When they hit finally the roof

Who's going to take the blame?

They forget the rules

They forget the SOP

When the infection rate high

Who's going to take the blame?

The super spreaders

Don't go out unnecessary

Rocking Rona isn't hiding

The waiting game to hitch rides

One concerned medical doctor

Raised his alarm on the rising cases

Base on his rounds in Bamboo River hospital

The spike of cases of category 4 and 5

What is MOH doing?

Still let go on the election?

Sabah episode mustn't forget

History may return to haunt us

The super spreaders

Vaccines are walls

Don't get carried away

Rocking Rona will poke it through

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