Monday, November 29, 2021

the wolves will not stay on with promises


The wolves will not stay

With the promises they signed

When the leaders feel the advantage

They may try to pull a fast one on it

Because the wolves want absolute power

They don't want to share with any party

Though they may accept the slaving ones

Who will just follow blindly

The Malacca result got the wolves thinking

They may think they have the advantage

Gaining the upper hand to win the seats

If they suddenly declared the GE15

Anwar and his partners

They better think ahead and on the ground

The wolves may just declare a GE15

Though Rocking Rona still flying high

Now with Omicron suddenly appears

The world leaders will sit up and notice

But in our shore we think of politics

How to win and stay on with power

The countries nearer to us

Hong Kong and Australia

The Omicron hits the shores

What will the wolves say?

They will think of power

They will think how to stay on

They don't gear up to the virus

Anwar and partners should forget MOU

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