Saturday, November 27, 2021

the cold approach on women


The cold approach on women

Most guys will shiver looking into it

Many shameful scenes will hit their minds

The worst part is the word never flows out right

Today we have the MeToo campaigns

It will make it harder to approach women

They may scream at the men approaching them

Maybe saying they are the sex maniacs

Now we have the Covid19 fear

Most women will not be socially ok

Because everyone is afraid of the virus

It is still a worrying trend

If the men are worried

The women will feel lonely

They need to see guys

So there is still a hope

One guy suggested bring along

Some small packet of chocolates

Give to the women while doing the cold approach

It helps to bring the ice

Bearing in mind a window of 30 seconds

This is how the men have to get it done

The cold approach will make failure a success

The men need it to feel the confidence flow

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