Sunday, November 14, 2021

we play in politics


We play in politics

It's to get the recognition and clout

It's to get the benefits and wealth

It's for self interests with the time

Working for the nation and people

It will not be the first interest in politics

It is always the after interests satisfied

We don't see them after the GE

We play in politics

It's to create headaches to stay relevant

So the people will want to support

Though bad things may happen to the nation

Like the cases of politicians

Pocketing inflated contracts and corruption

It is for their own benefits for their services

With eyes on the wealth creation

Only a few politicians

Wanting to serve the people and nation

We don't find many in the current badge

It is the headache we live everyday

We play in politics

It's to fulfill our own needs

It has nothing to do with the nation and people

It is to satisfy our own satisfaction

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