Friday, November 19, 2021

the fat cats in conflict


The law

The rich rats jump for joy

Whispering softly in delight

In the underground

The fat cats can't chase

They are too fat to run

They have their own problems

Of internal conflicts in their ranks

Some fat rats

They aren't hiding

They walk tall

Driving in Vellfires

Even with escorts

The fat cats can't complain

Because of the law

Because of currying favours

The law

Once convicted in court

Straight go to jail

No bail; file appeal from prison

Only the ordinary find guilty

They are sent straight to prison

They aren't out on bail

Because they have no money?

The law

The rich rats can dance rock and roll

Rap, break-dance, twist or waltz or hip hop

Knowing the fat cats will take a long time

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