Friday, July 01, 2022

pick and choose to investigate


What will Macc do?

Never rush into hard investigating

Because it involves the wolves

So the head will not rush in

Unless when it involved a judge

Macc got into the act quickly

It was written by a hired writer

Who had zero substance now

Very quick to find its conclusion

Only AGC keeps it in review

There isn't an ounce of substance in it

What conflict of interest so claimed?

Now the many names appeared

In the court case of the Komedi

Macc only says open files to investigate

So far nothing of news issue

What will Macc do?

Pick and choose who to investigate?

They should cruise around the wolves

They may find many live beyond their means

On all fronts

We may look like we are in a deep fall

Inflation and recession hit the ground

The economy still cascading in the wind

What will Macc say?

Likely there is no report lodged

Unless it suits the department

The officers will lodge their own report

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