Thursday, August 18, 2022

justice will come


The wolves

Justice will come around

No matter how long it takes

Once you are caught in it

You mustn't cry unfair!

Don't bend the law

The wolves seem like to do

Once the law isn't in their favour

They will howl like babies

Letting the neighbours know it

MO1 has his chances

He played his games to delay his trial

It is 4 years down the road

He still walks free living well

Now finally in Apex Court he feels the shiver

There is no game he could play

He engaged a new team of lawyers

But they couldn't get what he wanted

Even showing contempt of court

They thought they could get it free

The Bar Council should weigh in

These lawyers must be hauled up to face its rules

Cancel their certificates to practice law

Belittling the Apex Court to serve their needs

They should face the Legal and Professional Act

But the wolves are worried

The party should be deregistered long ago

ROS didn't take the challenge

Now karma will rope them in

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