Wednesday, August 24, 2022

MO1 now in prison


No doubt

MO1 now in prison

His bus loads of supporters cried

The shame will be lifted

The bright light has shown

The Apex court judges showed the way

Crimes will have to pay

Nobody can escape and play

MO1 face will be plastered

No doubt he should feel the shame

Bringing dishonour to his father's legacy

The 2nd prime minister of the country

No doubt he will still play

Using it to gain his freedom

Filing for review on FC judges decision

Filing for a pardon to get him free

First he has to serve his time

He has to return all the monies he stole

Here or in overseas accounts or nominees

Until then he better thinks twice before he plays again

Yesterday he spent his first day in prison

It will teach him a bitter and sad lesson

That power absolutely corrupts a person

Now he sits in the 4 walled of his cell

No doubt

He will feel remorse

Don't swear it in God's name

A person will pay for it

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