Thursday, August 25, 2022

one bad light finally draws a close


A better day

The country can see

Ahead for the independence

One bad light finally draws a close

It isn't the end of the road

The other sharks still swimming free

Hiding in the creeks in the dark water

Macc still waiting for orders to release the net

The sharks named in Komidi case

Many issued denial of the issues

But nobody dares to take up legal suit

Because it may sound true today

Even in LCS scandal

A fall guy to feed the news

It is the big sharks needed to catch

It will not stay too long to escape

The agencies should have their backbones

Go after the sharks don't wait for report or order

It has been said in public domain and internet

So why wait and no pro-action to pursue it?

A better day

The nation will experience

Though the political bad sins will not end

It is a chance to regain our dignity

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