Sunday, April 08, 2007

good friday

Good Friday. Praying and meditation. For peace for good neighbourliness. The world is hugely populated....with humans and toxic smoke. Spare a thought of the glaciers melting pot of disaster yet every one goes looking of his/her pot of gold. People still argue; people hate; people fear; people rob and rape; people gunned down; weapons sold for destruction; people close eyes go for social intercourse of many kinds....believing Mother Earth will live for another 50 thousand years...The Mayan people said the time is near.....unless something magical happens then. Good Friday. The ring of prayers. ASking God for grace and forgiveness yet we argue about his name...and about His prophets He sent (if this isnt a conned up story....) The list goes on and on. Look at me; look at you; and what have we done after all? Like the falling rain.............let there be peace and harmony amongst ourselves..

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