Thursday, April 05, 2007

macam2 jadi 3

After years and years of investigations there is no case on those charged on corruption. It was a pathetic reply from the PM in Parliament. As usual shifting blame is the order of the day. There must be something that could be used in the Court of Law after spending thousands of hours pouring and recording statements. Psst....he said witnesses couldn't be found. Look into EPF records or Income Tax records or Property records there must be something telling where these people have gone. Even overseas the Immigration can be called to assist to find whether so and so has left the country. is the usual tactic to protect friends and cronies. It is the selective prosecution. I always think give other party a chance to rule the country. Other countries are doing it even USA too. Talk about Asian countries...Thailand or Japan or Taiwan or Korea or India. These people change the government. Here we are living obediently on the whims and fanciness of the BN government. I think it has served it purposes for now. Let other people run the show. And I am sure the 18 Immortals will be held in court to answer charges of misuse of power and corruption.

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