Saturday, May 19, 2007

government building leaks

Government building many leaks. So Samyvelu must be accountable yet he gives excuses that nobody sees the leaks coming. Every house owner will know how to prevent water seepage in his/her house. Mostly it happens on the gutter areas. With all the years running the Works Ministry Samyvelu should know about it. In fact he is a qualified architect; somehow nobody seems to know about it. With Parliament house and other highrise government buildings they should have noticed it. Because these leaders never walk the talk. They should walk and see what happens. In fact the department heads should be ordered to do it often to plug any leaking problems..Nay...they want to spend unproductive teabreaks lepak bercerita pasal perkara2 tak berkaitan dengan kerja2 sehari. Samyvelu should resign from his position. He shouldnt be allowed to stay on for so long...other countries ministers will take full responsibility and resign....But in Malaysia...mana bolih like menghantar bil sebanyak $22 juta ringgit About meetings I gather they want to quickly attend it and disappear; and dont criticize other ministries like you do and watch your work I do and watch my work; and dont try to come over my territory if you know what I mean.....I conducted meetings thousand times over in my career so I know how it works....everybody wants to be nice and proper....Do PM penalize JJ on his racist remark? Do any minister (MCA/MIC/PPP/Gerkan) say anything on that racist remark? These leaders just let it go. And they think rakyat will forget it in time. I dont think so. So play the good game........I want to go to sleep

Malaysia bolih kan?

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