Wednesday, September 10, 2008


3 years on suspension
Ahmad Ismail defying as ever
He just never wants to learn
A simple apology
It takes to make a man

UMNO takes too long
Losing control of the direction
After much hue and cry
Finally meted out suspension
When other BN parties pressured
For the disciplinary action

UMNO should clean it up
The members who are racists never want to toe the line
Get these people out of the party
If UMNO wants to survive

We are immigrants
Like it or not don’t use it for political expediency
This country we came generations ago
The home to 27 million people

The racists of Ahmad Ismail made up
It shouldn’t be allowed to rear its ugly head
It is better to get these people out into the open
Don’t let them hide behind party skirt

Now the laws should take its course
6 police reports act on it
Don’t discriminate the case
Does it now take him to court?

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