Friday, September 26, 2008


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Time to go
When events came along

It is no use holding it
When the goings the warlords disagree
The sins of the fathers came
Make the exit and do the honorable thing

Release all the ISA detainees
Make it day people can rejoice
The days are numbered
You know the drill
The warlords want their spoils
In the secret vaults……….
Is it true or just an empty talk?

Raking a leaf from MIC
Too many unfinished businesses
Yet all those years what happen?
Sleeping on the job dreaming it away
When perseverance lacking in quality
It derails one own objectives

The high stake poker he dares not take
He tries to avoid it at all costs…………
Sleeping on it hoping it will go away
By lord it has to come no matter what you say

Time to go…………
The writings posted on the walls
If you want to leave a legacy
Throw all draconian laws into the bin
In this way the reputation records in history

Will it happen?
Else you will be known
As the sleeping beauty forgetting own values
Devaluing your own stakes
As a leader finding no direction

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