Saturday, September 27, 2008


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borrowed Lil)

The change set on Sept 16
The marching will be on
The target didn’t get the bull’s eye
The spirit lives on

Some say why never happen?
It is the rule of the game
Protocol and gamesmanship
It will happen don’t write it off yet

Nobody expects the ruling elites to say
Come right in and take your seat
No Sir these losers will put up blockades
Finding it hard for the opposing team to advance

It will happen
The time is ticking it away
The PR follows the rules
Give BN face

The marching is in silent mode
PR leaders planning ways to execute its plan
The government business will be over
When we wake up one fine morning

A new chapter will be written
On the corridor of power
Changes must come quick
For the world isn’t waiting for us

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