Sunday, July 04, 2010

the lost way 11

baloon.jpg Evil Baloons image by shaki4ever_95

Evil Baloons

The drivers sit by a well
Well of wishes; well of fortune
Fortune once they tried
Tried it got hooked then lost souls

Remember the time
Often spin by the old folks
Observe the rich guys
The way they make the nights

“You think we will ever get back?
I mean back to the way we were?”
“We make our wrong turns
We have to seek it out”

One inhales a cigarette
Blowing a big zero in the air
“I think we ask the well
Maybe we will get lucky”

Seeking fortune on others hard labour
Expecting lots of gains in shortest time
Earning it through deceptions and commissions
Knowing it is bad all the way

“I don't think we should try
We have done enough sins
Look at us alive or dead
We don't even know!”

Now we hear
The college rookies running bets
Learning the illegal trade they think is cool
When getting caught falling tears.....

We have put a weak foundation
The moral fibre punches of holes
There is no solid wall to fence it off
We are the ones creating the evil monster

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