Sunday, July 04, 2010

the lost way 12

Cookies.jpg Cookies image by drizzlis


“How many days now?”
“We have no idea
We seem to walk in circles
On the city of neon lights”

The guy puffs his cigarette
Blowing it with his exhales
“Maybe we are in the dark side
We sold our souls remember?”

Betting on their lives
Lives of politics; game of fortune
Fortune camouflaged as projects
Projects where wealth is made

“We make our point
Why we aren't happy?”
“The ways we conduct our affairs
Only death will make us free”

“We have sinned
We fall to the dark side
We thought we wanted to live easy
One mistake now look at us”

The wealth of the nation
For the future generations
We destroy her natural resources
Leaving a poor state

They sit by the well
Solemn faces eyes of sadness
The way to their lives
Gambling on the dark side

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