Monday, July 05, 2010

the lost way 14

nature.jpg Nature image by handysandy31


Mother Nature
Nature of dreams
Dreams into eyes
Eyes into minds

The drivers smell
The natural aroma floating by
The natural breezes
Whoring their souls

Feel the nature
It surrounds your life
The sustaining ecosystems
It's a cycle to purify

They sit on the grass land
Thinking what they have done
The years before pursuing of profits
Scaring the Mother Nature

They watch the misty clouds
Beautifully white mist turning into shapes
Then it breaks away into tiny pieces
Floating peacefully away

“What have we done?”
“You want wealth and easy life
Now don't get sentimental over it
We got our pursuits.....”

“Yeah now look at us
We are back in time travel
Look at the jungle of greens
Now tell us it is worth the prize?”

The little girl appears
Smiling sweetly eyes of bright
“Follow me this way”
“You again little girl?”

The drivers look at each other
The minds asking questions in silence
As they follow her in quiet walking
The wind whirring songs

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