Monday, July 05, 2010

the lost way 15

4.jpg fog image by beapuff


The little girl brings them
Along the edge of a mountain
Hours of walking finally here
The scene of how nature glow

The drivers – leaders of their communities
Brushing hairs steady eyes watching the scene
The misty white clouds floating amongst trees
Independent yet sustaining the natural flow

The little girl points out to them
“Look at the mist......
Free at the wind blowing
Nature we must take care”

The drivers look to the scenes
Scenes of nature beautifully painted
Painted naturally in God's way
Way of the souls; way to live in harmony

The little girl turns around
“You have to learn
Though you think you are grown up men”
“We are little girl!”

“True and true
Yet you behave like children
Treating Mother Earth as toy
Destroying her beauty and natural glow”

“We want to live an easy life
What else we can't do?”
“Learn from the scriptures
Don't do to others; others won't do it to you”

The little girl waves
As she changes into the wind
“You have to learn the hard way!”

Now in the jungle
The drivers gathered to think
They hear of voices of many kinds
Lingering imagination of the wild!

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