Friday, August 31, 2012

janji demokrasi

The police
Work for the people
This is your job to do
You have failed miserably
Helping the ruling elites
You issue threats
You use acid water cannons
When the people's democracy gathered
You can't allow them to march peacefully
You want them arrested!
But you play a double game
When the ruling elites and partners do
There is no threat; there is no arrest
Whom are you working for?
We tax payers pay you to protect us
You have failed us miserably
When crimes get flourished every day
Don't you see it all?
Bee Anne leaders and others gathered
Drilling in exercise for Merdeka
Do these people apply permit?
You don't issue threat
You allow them to proceed
But for Janji demokrasi
You issue threat to arrest
Yesterday tens of thousands gathered
At the Dataran Merdeka
It was a peaceful gathering
Yet the police still want to investigate
For what when it is under our Supreme Constitution?
Maybe I don't know the country
She is crying for us to restore her dignity
This Merdeka the change we seek
It's a long cherished wait to light up our minds

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