Saturday, August 11, 2012

the night is young

The night is young
The old drunks never know
They drink the bottles
Of naked glow and bitter life
They share their lot
With friends and fellow drinkers
Clicking bottles talking loudly
The eyes of watery flow
The forgetfulness of sanity

The night is young
The bar full of drunkards fall
The tipsy world in their minds
They only see the floating lights
They click their bottles
They laugh with no reason at all

The women stare
They nod their heads and smile
The guys make no attention
The bottles of fire in their minds
The women cheer them on
The night is young

The fools of the night
The men can't recognize
The night is young
They get drunk and tossed outside
On the heated ground they fall
The drunkards can't understand why

The night is young
They wonder why they are outside
They talk nonsense
Slurring speeches hitting bottles
The night wind sneezing along
The cool night they sit alone”

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