Monday, August 20, 2012

the apron strings

The puppets on the strings
Life isn't as free as it would
The puppeteer holds the key
The puppets just dance on its tune

On the stage it holds its show
The audience watch the antics flow
It doesn't needs word to convey
The actions tell many tales

The drumbeats and gong
The puppets swing and flow
It never cries or showing emotions
It is just a tale telling the audience

The rhythm of our lives
We live and breath by the rope
Dangling high we think we can fly
For years we are caged in our minds

Now we realize the truth
We are the puppets on the strings
We dance through a master puppeteer
When we forget our rights and freedom

The light of change opening doors
There is hope yet when we changed
We aren't puppets on the show
We must be free from the apron strings

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