Saturday, October 28, 2017

let pakatan run the show

A desperate measure
To win the election
The people have seen
The city folks can't be fooled

There is a price to pay
Somebody has to take the fall
With so high expenditures
Running into deficit again

Don't sell for short term gain
We will suffer heavily in debts
We can't pay through this generation
When we forget to check our back doors

It is an acid budget
It gives the poor a high
Once it breeds into its system
The addiction will not let go

When the next fix arrives
There is none to give away
The complaints will pile up high
By then our debts in the sky!

Let Bee Anne bite the dust
It is better it is done
We will not be poor
We will take the best measures

Pakatan Harapan has proven it
In Penang and Selangor have done
The States move in better shape
We must let Pakatan run the show

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