Wednesday, October 25, 2017

only memory will live and stay

The nine packed in a car
Driving along to school
Along the way hit a pothole
The car turned hit the divider
Crashed into pieces

The scattered metals
On the road for all to see
The police and firemen came
Retrieved the dead bodies
Sent the injured to hospital

What had they learned in school?
Packed like sardine they thought it was cool
Saving a few dollars losing lives
A bad decision but no laughter in the end
It was the sorrow and pain instead
The faces of death will be remembered
Through the lives of those living

Death stalked them
They went for it and failed
The lost souls will cry
In the shackles of Death
The families can only pray
The good vibes to take them away
But Death still holds the exit card
It will be a long time to release

Do we ever learn?
Drive carefully on the road
Don't packed like sardine
It only invites bad vibes
Once life is lost
Only memory will live and stay
Is this the way we lived our lives?

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