Friday, October 06, 2017

the catching of the crooks

The catching of the crooks
The small ones always get in the net
They don't have the solid cables
They always get short circuit

The publicity of the small raids
The real sharks are still in the oceans
Frolicking their lives of easy living
Who dares to touch them?

It is better to get the biggest crooks
Don't let them empower themselves
Nobody is above the law
Bring all of them to book

Talking is now over
Action is the moving force
Catch the biggest crooks
Everything will fall in place

Stand up for the law
Go after the crooks
Grant no favor
Grant no compromise

Catch the biggest crooks
The credibility will return
Until then small fishes
It hasn't got any impact

Though transparency groups will say
You done a good job catching the crooks
But the people want the biggest shark
Sitting in front of you!

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