Thursday, February 01, 2018

the love cheaters

The love cheaters
They still make their living
Offering themselves
The women fall like 10 pins bowling
Once they get knocked
They still want it
So the love cheaters survive
In the world of modern science

It's the words they use
To entrap the women's minds
Once the words are registered
The women will turn crazy
They think they are in heaven
Floating into paradise

What the women behave
They don't understand logically
Their minds have been polluted
They have been tricked deeply
The love cheaters scored in deep pockets

By the time the women realize it
They have lost their monies
Some may have lost their bodies
For love hitting them hard in their minds
They become like zombies
Under the spell of the love cheaters

Once they wake up
They realize their losses
File police reports
Let the police hunt the culprits
Most of the time nothing to show
The love cheaters have gone
Disappeared into the darkness
Lying low until the next season

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