Monday, October 07, 2019

the old man can't see the light

The Old Man
He can't see the light
He is too absorbed on his race
He forgets he should fight for all Malaysians

The Old Man
He is given a second chance
To amend the ways of the past
Sadly he hasn't done

The manifesto you make a joke
A plan is a well thought out strategy
It is to win at all costs
It isn't a plan to fail!

The Old Man
He has to graciously step down
He is doing his way now
Don't talk about race and religion

It isn't good for the nation
The nation needs economic packages
This is where the people can gainfully employed
Share the prosperity and joy of living

Don't forget you represent PH
You aren't in Bee Anne anymore
The voters voted for change
Not back to the same old game

Dr Mahathir
Work for all Malaysians
It isn't for a race
The nation doesn't need the dividing rule

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