Sunday, February 21, 2021

because of benefits


The little devils move

In the shadows of light and dark

Out of sight; out of eyes

Only to hear it

When the news catch in the air

When journalists start to investigate

They want to find out more

Why the need to play a double game?

The little devils will not say

They stay mute all the way

They aren't suppose to talk

They are tasked to make it happen

In the everyday life

The less we ask the better for us

So the saying goes in the black market

But journalists aren't staying quiet

They smell the hunt they will get involved

They can't let it go just like that

They want the reasons of such a game displayed

It is their nature to dig up facts or fiction

It is their world to bring the news

The little devils can't say a thing

They are sealed by their codes

Though they may not agree

They want to keep their benefits

So they will do swallow pride and dignity

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