Sunday, February 28, 2021

the heavy fine isn't the way


The heavy fine

The SOP breakers

It will cause the people

To get angry again

Living in MCO

Many have emotional ups and downs

The back door shouldn't introduce higher fine

It doesn't solve the problem of truancy

It shows the back door has failed

In its fight with Rocking Rona

The surges since the Sabah election

It brings its knocks on Moo

Moo should give it up

He shouldn't stay and pretend

The vaccines can't cure but only to prevent

The people still need to follow SOP

We have to brace for the new mutations

It has come to our world right now

Will the vaccines stop it?

The experts aren't sure

The back door only thinks of heavy fine

It should admit it has lost its fight

Let a new team take over the challenge

Battle it in the ring of Rocking Rona

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