Sunday, February 14, 2021

rocking rona still stays


Rocking Rona smiles

The mutations of easily infection

Floating to some countries

It wants to make its dominance

The grim picture of deaths

It claims over 2.6 million world wide

It doesn't want to stop yet

Yet China refuses to share raw data

When the virus came out from Wuhan

It spreads to every corner of the world

The virus attacks showing no preference

It zooms on hosts on its path-ways

The quick fix vaccines

Create it for profit drives

The big pharma smells the billions

Every nation will jump in to stock it

The governments in the world

Refrain of telling the long side effects

Though it came out with the minimum

The adverse and side complications

Remember the Pill or Polio?

Remember the swine fever?

Quick way to fix a problem

The long term effects hit

Though it has rectified it

There will be still a low minimum side effects

But the vaccines haven't got the results needed

The big pharma will not be hauled to court

Now every government wants

Every one to be vaccinated to stop the virus

Let the every one become the guinea subject

Helping the big pharma to reap its profits

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