Friday, February 19, 2021

the nation isn't for a race


The Old Man

Returning to Amno baru?

It will spell the end of an era

So will be the party

The old rules can't apply now

It has served its purposes long ago

Now the Malays are on the money

Expensive cars, big homes, and wealth

They want to live freely

They don't want to constrain by religion

It chokes them who seek wealth and positions

The Old Man shouldn't think of it

The bad ways he left behind

He hasn't changed even given him a way

He spoilt it by going back to his old methods

Though he may dream of his old party

The nation shouldn't draw on class divisions

It will not help the nation to economically progress

As she stands today she feels she is left far behind

Even Vietnam has out-run our economy

The racist parties will not progress

The sooner the leaders realize it

The road will be much easier to drive

Because the nation isn't for a race

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