Tuesday, February 09, 2021

the water piping systems in the houses


The architects must rethink their designs

On laying out water pipes to the houses

It mustn't run through underneath the porches

Stretching through the living rooms rising upwards

Connecting it to the water tanks and kitchens

Though it will look pleasant to the eyes

Hiding away underground

How long will it last?

Before the joints break through?

Maybe around 10 years

The pipes will burst causing losses of money

Most of the times nobody will realize it

Until the water meter readers show the bills

Only then the house-owners start to scream

Silently in their heads “What the hell?!”

Many house-owners experience it

They have to redo the water piping systems

Running from the water meter rising up to the wall

Passing through the roof tiles cut holes to enter

Connected to the water tanks or direct pipes flow of water

The other pipes will flow down to the back

Leading to the kitchen areas

All because the plumbers say

The pipes are buried under-ground

Right through the living rooms

Rising upwards to the water tanks

Once it breaks the piping system

The house owners have to redo it

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