Thursday, April 15, 2021

doing it right all the times


All good things must end

No matter what station of life we are in

When the final curtains call

We can't escape we have to leave everything behind

All bad things must end

The gangs must know its always will be

In history; in now and in future

There is always a price to pay

All complaints will will be heard or disappeared

It depends who will handle the situation

Some will stay inactive for years

Until something happens to awaken it again

Look at the notices

Pasted on government offices

The signs of the dressing codes

The officers never bother to bring it down

The Cabinet had given instructions

After the newspapers wrote on it

Now what we still see today?

The signs are still displaying

The ego of enforcement

It will drag its feet to implement

Because no disciplinary action will be taken

The little napoleons will ignore Cabinet instruction

The way it is

The economic colonialism will happen

China will gladly lend her wealth

A race better wakes up and realizes it truthfully

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