Sunday, April 25, 2021

the wolves still waiting


The wolves still waiting

As if they dare not strike it out

The innings of good benefits

For some holding the cards

Will they strike now?

They aren't decisive

Wanting to go but....?

Afraid to miss the power?

Every time the wolves stay inaction

Moo and crocodiles will be braver

They can do as they like with it

As long as the emergency stays

The wolves shouldn't wait till August

They will lose more than what it is

The majority in the back door

But they let a minority to run the show

Moo doesn't show respect to them

Maybe he seeks his revenge

Long time ago he was there

And he was dumped out through the door

Now the wolves should recognize the score

They shouldn't wait and giving months ahead

When the timing is hot it has to hit through

Else there will not be another round of chance

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