Saturday, April 24, 2021

don't believe too much about surveys


Don't believe much about surveys

It is always base on a small sample

To determine a cause of direction

The input may not be truthful or right

Just remember a knife has two sharp edges

It all depends how we look at surveys

Is it to make one look impressive?

Is it to make one feel good on popularity?

Moo is popular?

He is draining out the nation's funds

He has no idea how to put it back

He knows how to spend without thinking of tomorrow

The youth in survey may want Moo to feel it

Let the youth have MUDA registered and see

Maybe that is the message they sent out

We are the youth we supported Moo”

So popular yet afraid to call back Parliament

Moo is weakest leader in the back door

During decades in politics he hasn't done much

He has no good ways to prop him up

Now the bad ways coming up stream

These extremists aren't afraid to be in the open

They have leaders in the back door

The Taliban kind starting to crawl out

The surveys should start

From North to South; East and West

Circle in the samples of many

Maybe it will tell a better score

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