Thursday, April 08, 2021

the sins will wait for us every time


The sins of our lives

We can't hide or deny

It is always capturing us

Like it or not we have to learn

Though we can pray

Everyday in our lives

Once we step out

The sins will wait outside

We can see it everyday

Even read it in news or stories

The religious people aren't sinless

They have their sins hidden away

The ordinary folks will think

By the yardstick of daily praying

Walking with God or Creator

Spending a few minutes life can be sinless

But it isn't filming that way

The sins will keep catching us

The tasks we have to do daily

We have to admit we aren't free of sins

So we better be kinder and warm

Maybe the good deeds will assist us

Of a time we will return to account our days

Because sins will wait for us every time

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