Sunday, April 18, 2021

muda merging with warisan?


Muda merging with Warisan?

Something isn't right in SS

The leaders want to create a 4th horse

Galloping in the political pool

Warisan wants to establish a base here

Merging it with Muda it has a presence

Though of Muda members is another issue

But for the voters Muda will not fare well

Muda should tie up with PH

This is where Muda can shine its way

If the young tikus wants to think big

He gets into the wrong wagon

The Old Man supports Warisan

Because Warisan now distance from PH

Believing it can win votes

Last Sabah election it lost

A circle back to a race party

A collection of renegades joining together

A line will be drawn the voters have known

Sadly for Muda it will be a political loss

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