Sunday, April 11, 2021

don't let the smoke rising to the sky


The minister's cluster

Nobody wants to resign

They still hang on to their posts

Because of power and benefits

These leaders don't follow the hint

They listen to Moo asking them to stay

Now where is their loyalty?

They should heed the party call

Though the party president had hinted it

The minister's cluster can't make the move

The magnet of power and benefits

They can't let it go

Now the party president has to give the order

The minister's cluster should resign immediately

They can't have their own way to handle it

In the grapevine there is a 3.0 group formation

The party president should recognize the move

He mustn't stay quiet let the smoke rising to the sky

He has to put a stop to the disobedience

They resign or face the sack

But will the party president take the challenge?

There is a rumour of 3.0 to push him out of office

By now he should have his action plan

Get the duplicitous traitors out now

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